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what to do when you're lacking inspiration?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jordy Lemoine♥

holy fuck.
where to begin?
cutest. child. star. ever. ♥

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he sang french songs when he was a lil kiddo oh god i used to listen to him when i was like 5 (:
though hes like.. 17 now d:
fav songs: 'dur dur d'etre bebe' & 'alison'
i remember runnin around singing 'alison! c'est ma copine a moi!' over n over
cuz that was the only part of the song i knew d:

gooooooood times {:

as you probably already guessed (unless its not obvious enough) that pic is of jordy as a baby d:
n the one below this is him now d:

theres really no point in showing you this but hell i just had a humongo flashback of one of the few memories i have from my 2.5 years in switzerland so if you think its gay or any shit like that gimmi a break n piss off
