? help

? help
what to do when you're lacking inspiration?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blob is not an arsehole ):

those who think otherwise shall have to face my russian-australian mafia.
oh yes.
just wanted to clear that up.
he's actually pretty awesome.
his blogs alright i guess d:
and if theres one thing he isnt, thats an arsehole.
so piss the fuck off


here i am, lying in bed, doing homework.
yes im doing homework! how exciting!
im gonna try finish up this stupid math homework, and after that ill move on to geography.
god im bored
im talking to dipshit on the phone.
cuz bryce had to go do his stupif homework d:
i cant wait til the weekend (:
when i can sleep all i want, and eat all i want, and do what i want and when i wanna do it :D
im using this blog thing to procrastinate.
i think its working.
i am now gnawing on my arm..
i cant believe i actually listened to dipshit
its not as fun as he said it would be.
welp, this is boring as well
so im off to go continue my homework
im probably screwed for math cuz i cant be fucked to go get my book..
but oh well (:
its not like im gonna fail at life or anything, after all, its just maths

this blog is shit so im gonna just end this now.

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