? help

? help
what to do when you're lacking inspiration?

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Everyone has their tastes in music. Whether its screamo, rock, punk, jazz, hip hop, or any genre of music. It wouldn't really be fair to ask some people what their favourite genre of music is. Like myself for example.

the main music genres i go mad for;
-Aussie hip hop

The main point of this blog is NOT to talk just about the boring side of music. Its mainly just a way for me to show off the fact that IM IN AN AWESOME BAND THAT WILL GET FAMOUS AND BE LOVED AND WORSHIPED BY ALL !!And all who opose or reject us will be shunned :D!

beware.. you have been warned :)

AAAnyways our band consists of Lesley (drummer guy), Bryce (guitar dude), Jason (piano thingo), and ME (vocals that make the sun rise, birds sing, and brings peace to the world!.......okay not really but how awesome would it be if it could?!). WE are the most awesome band ever! did i already say that? no i didnt already say that! WE are the most awesome band ever! there now i said it again?
who are you??

our band rocks<3 :) and dont you forget it! we already know like.. what?.. 2 songs..? BUT we play ever song with skill! now the actual name of our band isn't really confirmed yet, but who needs a band name? x] the name has to be at the same level of awesomeness as our band, and everyone knows our band is already TOO awesome, no name is worthy ;)

sooo yeah i guess thats it.
Spread the word of our existence!
inspiration of the day- my band :)


  1. HELL YEAH!! OUR BAND IS GONNA ROCK EVERYONE ELSE'S SOCKS RIghT OFF!!!!!! hey also you didn't mention that i am also the BACKING VOCALS aswell as GUITARIST!! THATS RIGHT ANYONE WHO COMES AND SEE'S MURIELLES AWESOME BLOG, IT IS I THE AMAZING SUPER COOL ILLUSTRIOUS WORLD RENOWN BRYCE!! (our band is gonna bring goggles back) http://exiledmicrobesblog.blogspot.com/

  2. bahahahaha that didn't last :p
