? help

? help
what to do when you're lacking inspiration?

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Everyone has their tastes in music. Whether its screamo, rock, punk, jazz, hip hop, or any genre of music. It wouldn't really be fair to ask some people what their favourite genre of music is. Like myself for example.

the main music genres i go mad for;
-Aussie hip hop

The main point of this blog is NOT to talk just about the boring side of music. Its mainly just a way for me to show off the fact that IM IN AN AWESOME BAND THAT WILL GET FAMOUS AND BE LOVED AND WORSHIPED BY ALL !!And all who opose or reject us will be shunned :D!

beware.. you have been warned :)

AAAnyways our band consists of Lesley (drummer guy), Bryce (guitar dude), Jason (piano thingo), and ME (vocals that make the sun rise, birds sing, and brings peace to the world!.......okay not really but how awesome would it be if it could?!). WE are the most awesome band ever! did i already say that? no i didnt already say that! WE are the most awesome band ever! there now i said it again?
who are you??

our band rocks<3 :) and dont you forget it! we already know like.. what?.. 2 songs..? BUT we play ever song with skill! now the actual name of our band isn't really confirmed yet, but who needs a band name? x] the name has to be at the same level of awesomeness as our band, and everyone knows our band is already TOO awesome, no name is worthy ;)

sooo yeah i guess thats it.
Spread the word of our existence!
inspiration of the day- my band :)


Julien. PRobst.

th name makes you wanna throw up doesn't it?
Julien is my 16 year old BROTHER and i wouldn't really say that i despise him.. but.. in a way i despise him. we don't get along at all. we always fight, always argue, always disagree.. what we have is not normal!! do every brother and sister fight like we do?? if you dont.. tell me how you do it because SERIOUSLY i can barely stand my brother.

we fight about everything..
-the cat
-the dog

we do have our fun times, but they never last. Julien gets mad easily, and i admit, i am often afraid of him when he does. i [almost] never like fighting back, and i [sometimes] try avoiding starting a fight, but it always seems to happen, no matter what we try.

i don't really understand.. everytime i see other brothers and sisters they're having fun.. and HAPPY (howd that happen??).. me nd my bro seem to want to fight with each other, and i don't really think thats gonna change, and i don't really think i want to make much of an effort to change that, so im just gonna live with it.

#2 'inspiration of the day'


WELCOME to my blog !

now, it's a bit wierd that I'm writing one of these, seeing how i don't like blogs much, BUT who cares about that! I'll do what i don't want to do just to confuse people!
(hopefully this works..)

I gave this post the title of BLOOB for a REASON. YES, i can spell. NO, i am not chlostrophobic. and YES, that is pronounced as bl-oo-b. This, my friend, is the nickname of someone who will go down in history for his ability to be random in a way that is not retarded! this name, which i created out of pure skills , has to be the most cunning and meaningful name i have ever come up with. this, is my friend Bryce's nickname of awesomeness. He holds this name with PRIDE and GLORY ! (ain't that right bryce? :] ), and he does not feel any shame for it what-so-ever ;)
how did he get this name? well its actually quite a boring story, but im going to tell you anyways.

now, this isnt the only nickname i've come up with. i have a whole book of nicknames which i have given to pretty much every single one of my friends. but bryces nickname OH MY GOD now tHAT was a special one! i was chatting with bryce on msn, and thought to myself "gosh bryce doesnt have a nickname.. what a blob.." i then combined 'blob' with 'boob'.. and presto!!.. BLOOB was born!!

see now how awesome was that story? if you think it was awesome in anyway, you're messed up.. because honestly i think that was the most lame blog post ever created in the history of lame blog posts.. but meh.. i tried =]

now if you're wondering why i wrote my first blog post based on bloob.. it's really quite simple.. bloob was my 'inspiration of the day' :) he recently created a blog (his is a gazillion times better than mine) and i thought that i might as well be lame and create one too! so if you just wasted part of your life reading this, blame it on BLOOB :D