? help

? help
what to do when you're lacking inspiration?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

short blog (:


i dont know bout you but this is the cutest squirel eva !!

just wanted to put that out there..

(dedicated to dipshit)

Im 15, sick, tired and PISSED OFF

Here i am, in bed, not able to sleep, and writing another one of those blog things..

i recently turned 15 (last friday actually) and it was great at the time, but now i just feel older and more like im slowly wasting away )': my birthday was pretty fun to be honest, or atleast, it was better than last years'. i was in Perth for a school trip, and we got to stay with host families n stuff. people sang for me on the bus, and i got a lil cupcake with an 'M' candle on it from my host family (: i even got a few gifts from my mum n bro n best friend when i got back, so i guess it wasnt as bad as last years.

since the school trip to perth (which i got back from yesterday) my nose has been partly blocked & runny, my head has been throbbing, my throat has been dry, and my tongue has been bleeding (dont ask..) so im not exactly feeling very.. healthy.

im tired, because i cant sleep, because my eyes are currently burning, causing them to make tears which are now soaking my pillow and making my face all sticky which is a bit unusual on my end.. im on the phone with some guy, a guy named Joe, who's also writing a blog, only hes not really talking while doin it.. normally when i talk to people at night i get really tired and it helps me sleep, but hes not exactly very good at the talking part, so I'm wide awake yet passed out on the inside, which makes little sense..

im PISSED OFF because i might be missing a bio test, a chem test, and a french test, if i end up not going to school tomorrow due to the fact that im not well, that, and i managed to finish watching 'inglorious basterds' which was a complete, slightly entertaining, waste of time. they should have called it 'racist-inglorious-filthy-dick-faced-heartless basterds' im jus sayin........
